2 Jan 2007

Washing the Car!

Sunday 31 December 2006 was a very memorable day for me or at least according to my little sister. I, Claire Nicola Tomkinson, aged 20 years old an approximately 4 months learnt how to wash a car.
Now I know this is possibly quite shameful that I didn't know how to do it before but when you have a sister like mine who insists on being the man of the house why did I need to know before then?
Anyway the day was not the best for it but considering I have had the car since the summer and had never washed it I thought it was about time I discovered what colour the car was supposed to be (evidently it appears to be white!!!!). The main problem was I didn't know how and as a poor penniless student I couldn't afford to take it to the car wash (although I have never been in one of those either)so I enlist the help of Sarah after much laughing on her part because I didn't know what to do. I got changed into what I considered appropriate car washing clothes but apparently there's special clothes u were supposed 2 wear an when i rolled my jeans up so they didn't get wet Sarah laughed even harder, it was just common sense 2 roll them up!
So the task begins and as it turns out Sarah ended up washing the majority of the car as she just got to exasperated waiting for me to figure out what she meant... hello a little patience needed here, never done it before....but eventually the car was done after a lot of buckets of water and some car shampoo and it is now possible to tell that my car is in fact white.
Is it wrong that I don't even feel remotely ashamed that I didn't know how to wash a car?


Dawn said...

It's an excellent life skill to learn, just like my Dad teaching me how to change a tyre. I humoured him at the time 'cos when am I really going to do that?...that's what the AA are for!

Also, I've found as part of my (careful) budgetting (ahem) that there are these garages places with, like, little men and when you pull up and stop they, well, like, just start cleaning your car for you while you sit inside....it's like being at the zoo, but from the inside looking out!! And at the end end you car is, WELL clean. Magic!

The best advice I can give you is live in a street house - there's NO WAY you can wash a car yourself there (at least, that's my excuse)!

Liz said...

Dawn, what's a street house - do I live in one?

Claire - I used to love cleaning my car when I first had one, many moons ago. Nowadays Keith takes it along to a jet wash place, but I notice this morning that he missed a spot - you just can't get the staff these days!!

Claire said...

Dawn I know exactly what you mean about the changing the tyre thing. For my driving test I had to learn all about under the bonnet stuff and when I asked why my driving instructor was like in case you break down but why would I get my hands dirty when I can pay a little extra on top of my insurance and get break down cover where nice men will fix the car for me and I don't have to get dirty!!!

I can hear all the feminists cringing at the very thought!!!

Dawn said...

Ok, so all houses are 'street houses' (duh) but I mean like the ones that you and me live in...house straight onto the street!

Anonymous said...

I have found that if you let your car get dirty enough, either certain brothers or Fathers are so embarassed at having it on the drive and having to be associated with it that they do it for you. Seriously - I have washed my car once since I have had it. Bless my family. I am with all of you - don't particularly want to get my hands dirty either!

Liz said...

Hey Kirsty - you have a drive, which means technically, you don't live in a street house! Dawn, what kind of house does Kirsty live in?
I SO need to know!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! You're right. Does that mean I'm posh?

Dawn said...

Erm, erm, I guess, erm, oh?!, I don't know. Let me think on this one. It deserves a blog of it's own.